Becoming Emirates

Get yourself a nice cup of tea or coffee because this is going to be a long post! below I’ve put together a few posts from my previous blog as a memory keeper. From dates to how I felt along the way from when I applied to when I gained my wings! Hope you enjoy memory lane as much as I do.

Emirates Assessment Day

On 8th November 2014, I was invited down to the recruitment event, this was a chance to drop off my CV and meet the recruiters one on one bases for a few seconds. At the event, there were nearly 100 people, mostly girls I must say. At the event, they gave us the chance the watch a few videos on the job role and also the lifestyle in Dubai.

On 9th November, the next day, I opened up my emails to a confirmation email saying iv been accepted to an assessment day! This was going to be held on the 8th of December 2014 in Manchester.

The day had come, I left 2 hours earlier to do a 40-minute journey but I was still 20 minutes late! The traffic was horrific that morning. After my dramatic journey, we were all given individual numbers. The first part of the day was made up of 2 mini group tasks.

First: There were 3 of us in a group and we had to find out 3 different and unique ideas on how we could use… A Torch. This was so hard but, at the same time great dissuasion which is what they want to see.
Second: There were again 3 of us in a group but this time we had to sell a location in 2 points, the country we were given was Beijing. I have never been here before which again made it difficult.
The recruiters want to see you getting involved and also letting you give other team members a chance to express different opinions.

Then X-Factor started. She called out 13 numbers which were going through to the next round, this was the hardest part as you make friends with the girls and guys, and watching them walk out is hard but then exciting because you are going through to the next round.
During the second part of the interview, we made up a large group chat about which different types of customers would be allowed to stay in the hotel which is overbooked. At the end of our discussion, the recruiter asked why and why not you have chosen for them to stay or leave.

We also had to do a reach test (212cm).

Then that was it …. the day had finished, it was time to find out who was going through and who was going home.
“Right guys, it’s that time. But this time you all are going through, You all get a final interview” – these are the words I will never forget. I GOT A FINAL INTERVIEW WITH EMIRATES!!
MY interview date is on the 7th of January 2015, 8 days before my 21st birthday. Will my party just a for my birthday or a leaving party too? Only time will tell.

Final Interview

I arrived with an hour and a half to spare. My final interview took place on 7th December 2015 in Manchester, UK. My final interview was with the same requirement team who I did my open day and assessment day with, this put great calm in me as I felt I already had a connection with them. The interview lasted about 30 minutes, they ran over my application forms making sure all was correct, checked over my pictures, and checked my appearances; tattoos, grooming, etc. when we had completed these steps there were 6 questions to be answered, I can’t remember what they are but they were about your work experience with different customers, have you worked with different cultures before, how have to correct a bad situation. The best advice would be to answer them as honestly and relaxed as you can. At the end of the interview, I was advised I would have to wait 6/8 weeks to find out if I had been successful or not. I think the wait was so long because it was around Christmas and also my documents had to be sent over to Dubai for the head office to make the decision of my life. Becoming a cabin crew is all I have ever wanted to do, it is a horrible feeling knowing someone who has never met or seen you can make or break your life dream.

On Hold

On the 29th of January 2015, I woke up to such an amazing email. I have been offered a place with Emirates as a flight attendant!
All Emirates staff have to move and live in Dubai. HOW AMAZING. Little me from a small town will be living her dream. I’ve been told they are all fully booked up until April, so I’ve been placed on hold for now.

People always say to have a backup plan for life, what is the point of having a dream if you don’t go for it? 

My timeline;
OD: 08/11/14
AD: 08/12/14
FI: 07/01/15
GC: 12/01/15
OH: 29/01/15

Joining Formalities In Progress 

My online status changed on the 4th of June 2015. I say ‘finally’ like it has been a while but it has, I received my ‘Oh Hold’ email on the 29th of January 2015. That’s 18 weeks or 126 days! I think the wait alone has given me a life lesson on how to enjoy life while you have it and everything will fall into place.

Golden Call

On the 8th of June 2015 at 11:59 my belonged golden call happened! I was at my desk at work and my phone started to vibrate in my drawer, I glanced over and saw a number calling me starting with +971. My heart dropped! It was happening, I grabbed my phone and ran into the kitchen to take the call.

The call only latest about 3 minutes, she asked me if I was working, if I was single or married and a few others but the call was a blur, I was too excited. Then she said ‘Are you ok to fly out on the 31st of July?’ I jumped at the chance and accepted the date!

Now I’ve got loads of medical forms to fill out and upload, doctors’ appointments, dentist appointments, and vaccinations. I’m trying to get it all sorted out as soon as possible so I can enjoy my time at home with everyone and not have to worry.

Bye-Bye Call Centre

July 15th, 2015. Well, today brought my last day of working In the be-loved call center leaving 16 days till I fly! I can’t believe I won’t be working with all the girls anymore, if it wasn’t for them work would have been so boring and mind-numbing. 
So now it’s time to get all my packing sorted, as much as I don’t want to because it will make everything real it has to be done.  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared, I’d love for my family to be coming with me but what will happen will, time can only tell.

7 Days And Counting!

  • Packing = Check

  • Tickets = Check

  • Visa = Check

  • Accommodation = Check

  • Welcome pack = Check

As you can see I’m all sorted and ready to fly. Now it’s time to spend my last week with loved ones. This is going to be so hard to say goodbye to them, don’t think I’ve gone more than 2 weeks without having them by my side or around the corner.

3 Weeks later in Dubai

Dubai, Emirates & a new life… this is what’s happened in 3 weeks!

My Apartment – It’s wonderful, my bedroom is huge! I share with 1 other girl which I don’t mind at all the only downside is we have 1 bathroom between us  (good job we start at different times of the day). My view is off the main road which never sleeps. Whatever time of the day or night it is there will always be a horn going or screeching of tires.

Emirates Induction & College – In induction you get given a whole load of information!! but this is the time when you meet all your batch mates and make friends which will last a lifetime. As homesick as I was I still put my make–up on and smiled, and to be honest, after my first day, I felt amazing.

“It’s crazy, you just pick a human being and say I like you, let’s be friends”

In regard to college, I’m in the middle of SEP training. Oh My Gosh! I knew it was going to be hard but they give you information at 37159 miles per hour. It’s amazing though, I would never change this for anything!

Family – I don’t think I would be here if it wasn’t for my family! I’d be lying if I said it is easy to just pack up and move out here, I don’t think I’ve cried as much as I did on though first few days! I had no means of communication with them because I had no Internet in my apartment and I had no idea where anywhere was to get access. But, as I’ve already said your new friends are all going through the same feelings and we all help each other through the dark times. 


September 29th, 2015. So we have all completed the 2 months of training with blood, sweat, and tears. we gained our wings and are ready to fly! We have a few days off and then on to flying. My 2 supy flights are to Medina and London, I can’t wait to start flying.


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